Cliff on the ocean in Cyprus

Cyprus GDP Q2 2022

Cyprus: Economic growth slows in Q2 but remains healthy

According to a preliminary reading, GDP growth slowed to 5.8% year on year in the second quarter, from 6.2% in the first quarter.

On a working-day and seasonally-adjusted quarter-on-quarter basis, economic growth lost steam, decelerating to 0.6% in Q2, following the previous period’s 1.3% increase.

Looking at the details of the release, hotels and restaurants, transportation, retail trade and entertainment were key drivers of growth, as tourism recovered and the impact of Covid-19 faded.

Turning to Q3, the economy is expected to be sustained by a recovering tourism sector amid a milder pandemic situation and the removal of travel restrictions in June. That said, a significant drop in key Russian visitors due to EU sanctions will prevent tourism from fully rebounding. In addition, elevated inflation will likely hamper private consumption and investment.

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