Consumer prices rose 0.73% from the previous month in February, below the 1.02% increase recorded in the previous month but...
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Turkey: Inflation trends lower in February; month-on-month figure surprises to the upside -
Kazakhstan: Market analysts are taken by surprise as Central Bank cuts the base rate for second time this... At its 5 March monetary policy meeting, the National Bank of Kazakhstan opted to cut the one-day repo rate—also known... -
UAE: Inflation shoots up to nearly three-year high in January following the introduction of VAT Consumer prices rose 2.67% in January from the prior month, a large increase from December’s 0.68% month-on-month upswing. This significant... -
Uruguay: Inflation increases to above the Central Bank’s target range in February Consumer prices increased 0.9% from the previous month in February, a notable deceleration from the 2.7% jump observed in January.... -
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Chile: Economic activity surges in January Economic activity rose 3.9% in January on an annual basis according to the Monthly Indicator for Economic Activity (IMACEC) published... -
Greece: GDP grows at near one-decade high in Q4 According to a provisional dataset released by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT), the Greek economy accelerated in the final quarter... -
Chile: Business confidence surges further into positive territory in February The business confidence index (IMCE, Indicador Mensual de Confianza Empresarial) published by ICARE and the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez surged from... -
Panama: Panama was fastest-growing economy in Central America in 2017, despite GDP growth decelerating in Q4 According to data released by the National Comptroller’s Office (ContralorÃa General de la República), the economy lost steam in the...